Submitting payment information
Payment information is required at the time you place your order. Credit card information must be entered to complete the order. The credit card information will be used to authorize the card, however the card will be not be charged until the order is shipped. If you submit a purchase order number,you are responsible for submitting your final invoice to your accounts payable department. ABRC does not have a billing department and will not contact accounts payable to request payment.
All invoices are generated online and can be viewed from your account dashboard. You will be notified by email when an invoice is available for payment. Please submit the invoice to your accounts payable department. You can do this by forwarding the email request for payment which contains a link to the online invoice, or by downloading a pdf version of the invoice. You must log in to view the online invoice, but you do not need to be logged in to make a credit card payment using the link in the email request for payment. If your accounts payable department needs to view your online invoice, they will need to create an account. Alternatively, you can forward the pdf version of the invoice, available as a link on the online invoice, to them.
Payment methods
Credit card (preferred)
We accept credit card payments using MasterCard, VISA and American Express. Credit card information can be entered at the time that the order is placed and the card will be charged when the order is shipped. For stock orders originally entered using PO or other payment information, please use the link from your online invoice, or from the email request for payment to access a secure site for credit card payment.
ABRC staff does not have access to any credit card numbers and does not maintain records of any credit card information.
Please make checks payable to The Ohio State University and mail to the following address:
Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center 055 Rightmire Hall 1060 Carmack Road Columbus OH 43210 USA
Include the ABRC invoice number on all correspondence and payments. Checks must be in US dollars and drawn on a US bank, or they will be returned.
Electronic transfer
If you are unable to pay by credit card or check, please contact us for assistance with elecrtonic transfer of funds.
Timely payment of all invoices is appreciated. Please contact us with any questions.