Broader Impacts Partnerships

Wednesday, December 8th 1:00-2:30 p.m., via Zoom
Effective (and fundable) broader impacts are rarely a one-person effort. At some point you will need to establish strong partnerships to successfully plan and implement your broader impacts activities. This workshop is meant to build on concepts covered in BI 101, however, prior attendance at a BI 101 workshop is not required. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the process of finding the right BI partner, building relationships, and developing equitable partnerships. Potential BI partners within Ohio State and the Central Ohio community will be highlighted.
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This series of workshops are a part of The Ohio State University’s participation in the Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society’s (ARIS) new Program to Enhance Organizational Research Impact Capacity (ORIC). The workshops will be facilitated by Courtney Price, who serves as Ohio State’s research impact professional in the ORIC program with support from Ryan Schmiesing, Vice Provost of Outreach and Engagement.