Name / Stock Number: CS101558

other name: GT_3.1274

other name: GT_1274

donor stock number: GT.1274

NASC stock number: N101558

other name: GT_3_1274

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available

  • John Innes Centre

Donation Date: 10/08/2001

Date Released: 02/02/2004


Ds gene trap insertion line; carries a single Ds transposon as a stable insertion in the genome; the Ac transposase utilized to induce transposition has been segregated out of the line; transpositions were selected to occur at random locations in the genome; presence of the transposon can be verified by resistance to kanamycin, and absence of the transposase can be verified by resistance to NAM. May be segregating for phenotypes that are not linked to the insertion; may have additional insertions potentially segregating.

Growth Requirement: none


Background: Ler (Landsberg erecta)

ABRC Comment:

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120


Gene Names Evidence
  • PBL31
  • polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT




    Polymorphism Mutagen Genotype Inheritance Gene Evidence attribution
    GT_3.1274 transposon insertion segregating
  • AT1G76360
  • TAIR

    Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

    Additional Information

    Transgene Description Promoter Reporter Marker
    GTDs gene trap transposon GUS kanamycin

    Quality Control Comments

    There is no quality control data for this stock.