donor stock number: pK7HFN-AT4G02440decoy
Resource Type: plasmid
Availability: available
Donors:- Joshua Gendron
Donation Date: 02/23/2021
Date Released: 10/08/2021
AT4G02440 decoy recombined into the pK7-HFN destination vector for N-terminal His-FLAG tags and expression under a CaMV 35S promoter. Kanamycin resistance in plants.
Growth Requirement: grow in LB media at 32C overnight
Marker: spectinomycin
ABRC Comment:
Format Shipped: bacterial stab
Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120
Promoter: CaMV 35S
Type: construct
E. coli DH5-alpha
Arabidopsis thaliana 3702
Additional Information
DOI | PubMed |
10.7554/eLife.44558 | 30950791 |
Quality Control Comments
There is no quality control data for this stock.