Name / Stock Number: T87 / CCL84839

NASC stock number: N84839

Resource Type: cell culture

Availability: available

  • Michele Axelos
  • Allan Showalter

Donation Date: 08/20/2009

Date Released: 12/01/2009


Cell line T87, derived from Columbia; maintained in NT-1 medium under continuous light at 24C and shaken at 120RPM; subcultured every 7 days. Due to this stock being subcultured numerous times, it may behave differently from the originally described culture.

Growth Requirement: grow in NT-1 media at 24C for 7 days


Background: Col (Columbia)

ABRC Comment: We are grateful to Sara Wyatt and Allan Showalter from Ohio University for providing this culture to us.

Format Shipped: 15 ml of culture shipped on blue ice

Express Shipping Required: true

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120



composed of small, near-uniform clumps of cells; development of chloroplasts takes place under light conditions.

Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Additional Information

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.