Name / Stock Number: CS76452

NASC stock number: N76452

donor stock number: Boot-1

1001 Genomes id: 7026

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available

  • Joseph Ecker
  • 1001 Genomes Project

Donation Date: 07/08/2010

Date Released: 08/11/2011


Natural accession targeted for sequencing using the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform by the J. Ecker laboratory at the Salk Institute-USA as part of the 1001 Genomes Project. Bulk seed were collected from siblings of a single sequenced plant.

Growth Requirement: one week of stratification is recommended to overcome seed dormancy and accomplish optimal germination.



ABRC Comment:

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120



Medium to large rosette with numerous leaves; pointy leaves; leaf margins slightly serrated especially at the basal portion; observed flowering time was 22 days after planting; average height= 40 cm.

Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Species Variant Name Location Habitat Country Latitude Longitude Altitude Daily Temp Monthly Precip
Boot-1 Boot, Eskdale Boot, Eskdale parking lot pub United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland N54.4 W3.3

Additional Information


Related Stocks

CS76636, member of set
CS78942, member of set
CS79056, member of set

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.