Name / Stock Number: SALK_074254

NASC stock number: N574254

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available

  • Joseph Ecker

Donation Date: 07/10/2002

Date Released: 07/15/2002


Sequence-indexed T-DNA insertion line, segregating for annotated insertion; kanamycin was employed for selection of T1 plants; distribution seeds are T2 or T3 generation.

Growth Requirement: none


Background: Col (Columbia)

ABRC Comment: NOTE: kanamycin resistance gene may be silenced; PCR- or hybridization-based segregation analysis is required to confirm presence of insertion; may be segregating for phenotypes that are not linked to the insertion; may have additional insertions potentially segregating.; Please cite the Alonso et al. reference linked to this stock and acknowledge ABRC for distributing the seeds in all presentations and publications utilizing this material.

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120


Gene Names Evidence
AT3G31422 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
AT1G35745 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
  • CYCA2;3
  • CYCLIN A2;3
  • polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
    AT5G28673 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
    AT3G23360 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
    AT3TE52590 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
    AT1TE43305 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
    AT3G23370 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT
    AT5TE38990 polymorphism SIGnAL TAIR ARAPORT



    Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

    Additional Information

    DOI PubMed
    10.1126/science.1086391 12893945
    Transgene Description Promoter Reporter Marker
    pROK2 T-DNA kanamycin

    Quality Control Comments

    Comment Commented by Date
    new T-DNA insertions have been identified in this stock by TDNA-Seq, a method for next-generation sequencing performed in J. Ecker lab at SALK Institute ABRC 03/10/2015 To view detailed data, click here