Name / Stock Number: pADlox-TF Collection / CD4-94

Stock Type: set

Resource Type: library

Availability: available, collection is being replicated at ABRC

  • Joseph Ecker

Donation Date: 02/26/2019

Date Released: 09/12/2019


Full-length transcription factor ORF clones in the CrY2H-seq prey expression vector pADlox.Collection consists of 1,954 clones in 21, 96-well plates.

Growth Requirement: grow in LB media at 37C overnight

Marker: ampicillin

Background: Col (Columbia)

ABRC Comment:

Format Shipped: individial clones in DH5-alpha host strain shipped as frozen glycerol stocks in 21 96-well plates

Express Shipping Required: true

Base / Commercial Price: $3517 / $28136

Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Additional Information

DOI PubMed
10.1038/nmeth.4343 28650476

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.