NASC stock number: N19987
Stock Type: set
Resource Type: education kit
Availability: available
Donors:- Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
Donation Date: 02/08/2011
Date Released: 02/08/2011
This set of 10 stocks can be used with the "Think Green" module. In this module, students will investigate how genotype and natural variation influence plant responses to environmental conditions and how this affects survival in a changing environment.
Growth Requirement: none
ABRC Comment:
Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial
Base / Commercial Price: $70 / $560
Education Kit
Greening the Classroom
Adaptation, Human Impact, Response to Environment, Variation
MS-ESS3-3, MS-LS1-5, MS-LS2-1, MS-LS2-4, MS-LS4-4, HS-ESS3-4, HS-LS2-7
Middle School, High School
Arabidopsis thaliana 3702
Additional Information
Quality Control Comments
There is no quality control data for this stock.