Name / Stock Number: CS5390

donor stock number: Ws-4

NASC stock number: N5390

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available


Donation Date: 10/09/2009

Date Released: 11/01/1997


Arabidopsis thaliana natural accession Ws-4 (Wassilewskija )

Growth Requirement: at least one week cold treatment after planting is suggested for optimal germination.



ABRC Comment: Note that flowering time and some phenotypic traits may vary with growing conditions. Plants were grown at ABRC in the Fall season of 2015; greenhouse photoperiod was 16H light/8H dark.

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120



Small rosette; leaf margins slightly serrated; observed flowerng time was 22 days after planting; average height = 37 cm.

Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Species Variant Name Location Habitat Country Latitude Longitude Altitude Daily Temp Monthly Precip
Ws-4 Wassilewskija Wassilewskija Russian Federation N52-N53 E30 100 3-4/<5-6

Additional Information

Quality Control Comments

Comment Commented by Date
Researcher reported zero germination ABRC 08/10/2015 To view detailed data, click here
Germination was found to be 34%; this stock will be replanted to increase germination. Until the stock is replanted an adjusted higher amount of seeds will be sent for this stock. ABRC 08/25/2015 To view detailed data, click here
Previous low germination stock was replaced with a stock that the germination was found to be 94%. ABRC 02/28/2018 To view detailed data, click here