Name / Stock Number: CS9027

NASC stock number: N9027

donor stock number: 854

Resource Type: seed

Availability: not available


Donation Date: 12/04/2018

Date Released:


This line carries at least one T-DNA insert from pMOG553 which has a promoterless GUS gene close to the right border sequence and a hygromycin resistance marker. The line comes from a collection of over 1250 independent transformants that were originally made to study gene regulation in nematode-feeding structures.

Growth Requirement: none

Marker: hygromycin

Background: C24

ABRC Comment: The origin of the pMOG533/Arabidopsis lines must be duly acknowledged when used in publications.

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120



GUS staining summary: leaf vascular tissue, hydathodes, leaf apical meristem, Leaf Other (see Notes), Total leaf staining, Central rosette, Hypercotyl Other (see Notes), Hypocotyl total staining, Root vascular tissue, Root cortex, Root tips, Root other (see Notes), Root total, Syncytium

T-DNA insertion

Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Additional Information

Transgene Description Promoter Reporter Marker
pMOG553 promoter trap T-DNA hygromycin

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.