Name / Stock Number: CSJ370

donor stock number: J370

NASC stock number: N700386

Stock Type: pool

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available

  • Michael Sussman
  • Rick Amasino

Donation Date: 01/10/2000

Date Released: 02/14/2000


Pool of 9 T-DNA lines each from the Arabidopsis Knockout Facility. These T-DNA pools were generated by the Agrobacterium vacuum infiltration technique using a derivative of the pD991 vector from Dr. Thomas Jack.

Growth Requirement: none


Background: Ws (Wassilewskija)

ABRC Comment: PLEASE NOTE: There are ordering restrictions on these stocks. ABRC is not allowed to send the seeds to any company. If you are an academic user, you may not transmit these seeds to a company. Each laboratory is limited to the receipt of a total of 100 samples of seeds from this donation. Any exceptions to this policy require written permission from M. Sussman.

Format Shipped: 300 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120



T-DNA insertion

Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Additional Information

Transgene Description Promoter Reporter Marker
pD991-AP3 T-DNA CaMV 35S GUS kanamycin

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.



These pools of T-DNA lines are from the Wisconsin Arabidopsis Knockout Facility. PLEASE BE AWARE that all seeds of this donation, received from Drs. Sussman and Amasino, should not be received by or transmitted to any private company. As an academic researcher, you are not restricted in the use of any findings developed from these stocks, but the stocks themselves are for the use of academic researchers only. Hence, please do not transmit these stocks to any company.

If you are an employee of a company and we have shipped the seeds to you in error, please contact us immediately at