NASC stock number: N694458
Resource Type: seed
Availability: available
Donors:- Joseph Ecker
- SALK Confirmed T-DNA Project
Donation Date: 05/06/2011
Date Released: 05/01/2012
T-DNA insertion line; confirmed line isolated from original SALK population; presence of the insertion was identified by TDNA-Seq, a method for next-generation sequencing in which pools of T-DNA lines can be sequenced in parallel and then de-convoluted based on their pooling pattern to assign T-DNA insertions back to their originating seed line.
Growth Requirement: none
Background: Col (Columbia)
ABRC Comment: NOTE: kanamycin resistance gene may be silenced; PCR- or hybridization-based segregation analysis is required to confirm presence of insertion; may be segregating for phenotypes that are not linked to the insertion; may have additional insertions potentially segregating.; Please cite the Alonso et al. reference linked to this stock and acknowledge ABRC for distributing the seeds in all presentations and publications utilizing this material.
Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial
Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120
Arabidopsis thaliana 3702
Additional Information
Transgene | Description | Promoter | Reporter | Marker |
pROK2 | T-DNA | kanamycin |
Quality Control Comments
There is no quality control data for this stock.