NASC stock number: N19988
Stock Type: set
Resource Type: education kit
Availability: available
Donors:- Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
Donation Date: 04/04/2012
Date Released: 04/04/2012
This set of 5 stocks can be used with the Life in Bloom Advanced module to demonstrate concepts of plant development and hormone physiology. Through these activities, students will attempt to germinate one reference strain and four mutant strains of Arabidopsis in light and dark conditions both with and without the addition of external GA. Students will observe the results and draw conclusions about the effect of different mutations involved in the production of and response to GA.
Growth Requirement: ga1-2 and ga1-4 require 100 micro-molar gibberellic acid (GA) for germination
ABRC Comment: This module includes three procedures and three assignments. It requires nine days for completion of all activities. For a less complex experiment exploring the role of GA in germination see "Life in Bloom Basic" (CS27971).
Format Shipped: 200 seeds per vial
Base / Commercial Price: $35 / $280
Education Kit
Arabidopsis thaliana 3702
Additional Information
Quality Control Comments
There is no quality control data for this stock.