NASC stock number: N4004
Stock Type: pool
Resource Type: education kit
Availability: available
Donors:- Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
- NASC, Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre
Donation Date: 02/08/2011
Date Released: 02/08/2011
This mix of seeds, which includes six strains of Arabidopsis, can be used with the “Plant Curiosity Basic” module to demonstrate a variety of science concepts. By observing the growth of this set of seeds, students will see how different mutations can affect the phenotype of Arabidopsis plants. This module requires seven weeks for completion of all planting procedures and assignments.
Growth Requirement: We recommend not densely planting the seed so that it will be easier to see the different phenotypes.
ABRC Comment: An expanded version of this module is available as “Plant Curiosity Advanced” (CS27965), which requires 19 weeks for completion.
Format Shipped: 360 seeds per vial
Base / Commercial Price: $15 / $120
Education Kit
Arabidopsis thaliana 3702
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Quality Control Comments
There is no quality control data for this stock.