New Stocks Released

Date Created Title Description Stocks
04/17/2024 Transgenic seed lines from Vivian Irish and Ruirui Huang Description: Seed lines over-expressing RBE and entry clones used in studies of epigenetic regulation of the transition from cell division to cell expansion in petal organogenesis ( CS73567, CS73568, CS73569, CS73570, CS73571, CS73572, CD3-2949, CD3-2950, CD3-2951, CD3-2952, CD3-2953, CD3-2954, CD3-2955, CD3-2956
04/16/2024 New mutants from the Brandizzi lab vap27-1/vap27-3 mutant seed lines used in studies of endocytosis (, and the background control received from Allison Hurlock and Federica Brandizzi. CS73573, CS73574, CS73575, CS29000
04/03/2024 New seed stocks from the Roeder laboratory Transgenic lines carrying a fluorescent membrane marker donated by Adrienne Roeder, Avilash Yadav and Lilan Hong . These lines were used in studies of organ size and CS73559, CS73560, CS73561, CS73562, CS73563, CS73564, CS73565, CS73566
03/05/2024 Mutant and transgenic seed lines from Stacey Harmer Seed lines used in studies of the REVEILLE clock genes including multiple mutant and transgenic lines described in DOI 10.1002/pld3.533, 10.1371/journal.pgen.1001350, and 10.1104/pp.17.00109 CS73545, CS73546, CS73547, CS73548, CS73549, CS73550, CS73551, CS73552, CS73553, CS73554, CS73555, CS73556, CS73557, CS73558
02/15/2024 xlg1-1 xlg2-1 xlg3-1triple null mutant donated by Alan Jones Extra Large G-Protein triple null mutant described in DOI 10.1126/scisignal.aaf9558 and DOI 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03335.x received from Alan Jones will be available following seed increase at ABRC CS73539
01/16/2024 Cytoskeletal reporter lines from Sabrina Chin and Elison Blancaflor Eight mutant and transgenic lines described in Chin et al, 2021, Spatial and temporal localization of SPIRRIG and WAVE/SCAR reveal roles for these proteins in actin-mediated root hair development ( CS73531, CS73532, CS73533, CS73534, CS73535, CS73536, CS73537, CS73538
01/04/2024 Erysimum cheiranthoides mutants from Gordon Younkin and Georg Jander Mutations in cardiac glycoside biosynthetic genes generated by CRISPR/CAS9 used to study protection against glucosinolate-adapted herbivores in wormseed wallflower (Erysimum cheiranthoides), pre-print doi: CS29906, CS29907, CS29908, CS29909, CS29910
11/28/2023 Transgenic lines from Dave Somers Stable transgenic lines expressing GFP-tagged wild type TOC1 and TOC1 with mutations in the phosphorylated residues of the N-terminus pseudo-response receiver domain described in DOI 10.15252/embj.2021108684 CS73527, CS73528, CS73529, CS73530
11/09/2023 New Education Kit developed by ABRC A set of 20 accessions from around the world. Students can design their own experiments to explore responses to different environmental conditions in plants adapted to life in different environments CS27969
11/09/2023 Tandem Fluorescent timer constructs received from Hisachi Koiwa 7 unpublished constructs containing EL2-Omega promoter, C-terminal tandem fluorescent timerHSP18 terminator-Nos-terminator CD3-2942, CD3-2943, CD3-2944, CD3-2945, CD3-2946, CD3-2947, CD3-2948