New Stocks Released

Date Created Title Description Stocks
01/09/2019 New seed lines donated by the Poethig lab These mutant seed lines were used in an investigation of the mechanism of vegetative phase change published in PLOS genetics, He J, Xu M, Willmann MR, McCormick K, Hu T, Yang L, et al. (2018) Threshold-dependent repression of SPL gene expression by miR156/miR157 controls vegetative phase change in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet 14(4): e1007337 CS71692, CS71693, CS71694, CS71695, CS71696, CS71697, CS71699, CS71700, CS71701
01/09/2019 New Resources for Teachers ABRC has partnered with The Plant Cell to develop education kits that complement the Teaching Tools in Plant Biology modules. Three new kits are currently available, with more to come! CS27962, CS27963, CS27964
01/08/2019 Seed lines from the Krysan lab 9 transgenic seed lines expressing a FRET sensor for observing Arabidopsis MAPK activity in living cells. CS71683, CS71684, CS71685, CS71686, CS71687, CS71688, CS71689, CS71690, CS71691