New Stocks Released

Date Created Title Description Stocks
09/11/2019 Arabis alpina seeds from the Coupland lab now available Arabis alpina accession Pajares and EMS mutant pep1-1. CS29066, CS29067
09/10/2019 Seed stock donated by the Galbraith lab Transgenic Arabidopsis line expressing a nuclear-targeted version of GFP, used to define the C-value status of different cell types within the root. CS72272
09/09/2019 New seed lines donated by the Jacobsen lab 2 transgenic lines expressing self-resistance gene astD. CS72243, CS72244
09/09/2019 New seed stocks from the Somers lab 3 seed lines generated in an investigation of PRR7 protein turnover factors published in Frontiers in Plant Science, Kim YJ and Somers DE (2019) Luciferase-Based Screen for Post-translational Control Factors in the Regulation of the Pseudo-Response Regulator PRR7. Front Plant Sci. 2019; 10: 667 CS72240, CS72241, CS72242
08/21/2019 Pennycress line from the Marks lab now available Thlaspi arvense winter-type isolate MN106 CS29149
08/20/2019 42 rice vectors donated by the Wang lab Vectors for efficient, high-throughput functional analysis of rice genes. CD3-2750, CD3-2751, CD3-2752, CD3-2753, CD3-2754, CD3-2755, CD3-2756, CD3-2757, CD3-2758, CD3-2759
08/19/2019 JAtY TAC library donated, available later this year Transformable Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (TAC) library consisting of 12,225 individual clones. Generated by Ian Bancroft at the John Innes Center, propagated and deposited by the Alonso-Stepanova lab. CD4-96
07/26/2019 New seed lines available from the Haughn lab Mutants of RUBY, a putative galactose oxidase, that exhibit multiple seed coat mucilage defects. CS72222, CS72223, CS72224, CS72225, CS72226, CS72227, CS72228, CS72229, CS72230, CS72231
07/25/2019 New seed donation from the Mendoza-Cozatl lab Transgenic seed line for dynamic imaging of how leaves respond to changes in iron availability. CS72221
07/24/2019 New seed stocks from the Katagiri lab Seed lines expressing estradiol-inducible AvrRpt2 in the Col-0 and various mutant backgrounds. CS72206, CS72207, CS72208, CS72209, CS72210, CS72211, CS72212, CS72213, CS72214, CS72215, CS72216, CS72217, CS72218, CS72219, CS72220