New Stocks Released

Date Created Title Description Stocks
03/06/2023 Transgenic seed stocks donated by the Nemhauser lab (CS73386-CS73402) Integrase-based gene expression recorder lines and transcriptional reporter lines used to study gene expression during lateral root development, as described in DOIs: 10.1101/2022.09.16.508262; 10.1093/plcell/koab101 CS73386, CS73387, CS73388, CS73389, CS73390, CS73398, CS73399, CS73400, CS73401, CS73402
02/21/2023 Transgenic seed lines from the Pedmale lab (CS73357-CS73385) 29 transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing shade-induced WRKYs as an mCitrine fluorescent protein fusion, as described in DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiab493 CS73357, CS73358, CS73359, CS73360, CS73361, CS73362, CS73363, CS73364, CS73365, CS73366, CS73376, CS73377, CS73378, CS73379, CS73380, CS73381, CS73382, CS73383, CS73384, CS73385
02/13/2023 Plasmids donated by the Coruzzi lab 4 plasmids for transient DamID (DNA adenine methyltransferase identification) in Arabidopsis protoplasts. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14979-6 CD3-2938, CD3-2939, CD3-2940, CD3-2941
02/09/2023 Mutant and transgenic seed stocks donated by the Haswell lab (CS73273-CS73342) 70 mutant/transgenic seed stocks generated in studies investigating the roles and mechanisms of mechanosensitive ion channels in plants. DOIs: 10.7554/eLife.80501; 10.1093/jxb/eraa192; 10.1094/MPMI-08-21-0207-FI; 10.1105/tpc.114.128082; 10.1016/j.cub.2008.04.039 CS73273, CS73274, CS73275, CS73276, CS73277, CS73278, CS73279, CS73280, CS73281, CS73282, CS73333, CS73334, CS73335, CS73336, CS73337, CS73338, CS73339, CS73340, CS73341, CS73342
01/30/2023 Mutant seed stocks donated by the Brandizzi lab 2 double T-DNA mutant seed lines hypersensitive to ER stress, described in DOIs: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04788.x; 10.1073/pnas.1314749110; 10.1038/s42003-021-02964-8 CS73355, CS73356
01/04/2023 Transgenic lines from the Montgomery lab 4 seed lines expressing a transgene that induces guard cell-specific phytochrome depletion. DOI: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000521 CS73351, CS73352, CS73353, CS73354
12/19/2022 Mutant seed lines donated by the Howe lab 2 multiple mutant (myc triple and jazDmycT tredecuple) seed stocks generated to assess the contribution of MYC transcription factors to growth and reproductive fitness at high levels of defense. DOI: 10.1111/nph.18293 CS73349, CS73350
12/15/2022 Teaching Tools in Plant Biology Education Kit Kit of 10 seed stocks demonstrating concepts from the Teaching Tools in Plant Biology module, “The floral transition and adaptation to a changing environment: From model species to cereal crops”. This module explores the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth and the environmental cues that govern this transition. DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koac304 CS27968
12/05/2022 Arabidopsis mutant donated by the Dubrovsky lab mto2-2 EMS mutant in which threonine synthesis is affected and the root apical meristem lacks the proliferation domain. DOI: 10.1242/dev.200899 CS73272
11/30/2022 Seed stocks donated by the Jacobsen lab 3 mutant seed lines generated to study Arabidopsis proteins involved in silencing methylated genes and transposons. DOI: 10.1126/science.abg6130 CS73269, CS73270, CS73271